Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

drawings for my game

So the cover of my game is going to be my main caricter half in the past and half the future falling down a time holl. He is going to be half in a suit of armour and half in motter bight lethers.
Hear are my drawings that i am working from.

Half bight helmet half armour helmet.

The anchor to the time machine in the form of a wrist cuff.


The coat of arms

The Thief from Tomorrow.

Sebastian is a history and theoretical science professor at uni. He has been working on combining both of his passions by building a time travel machine and he succeeded. Sebastian was about to present it to his board of directors when his ex-assistant barged into the room with his heavily armed gang (Seb had to let Name go after he tried to steal and sell the plans to his time machine.) After moving the board of directors and Seb into a closet Bensen and his thugs took the time machine and ran.
After making a phone call for help, a light started coming from Seb’s wrist and a countdown started. He then explained to the board of directors that the light meant that his time machine worked, and Bensen had just gone somewhere in time. The countdown had started; he had 60 seconds till he would be dragged through the hole in the time frame continuance that Bensen had just made.
They all watched the cuff as the numbers counted down with bated breath, 5 4 3 2 1...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

bsbdes202a_Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context.

This is my poster.
As you should have guessed it needs some assembly.
The wings on both sides of the poster fold down only after the sliding inserts are slid in to place. This poster can be hung both horizontally and vertically.

Monday, September 20, 2010

revised high tea

Changed the font for the body and played with the sizes.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a little history on Katsushika Hokusai

Hokusai (1760-1849)
Katsushika Hokusai in the name we know him as, but the truth of the matter is changed his name some thirty times in this life. Once signing his art work "The Art-Crazy Old Man". Hokusai’s works consist of brush painting, silk art, illustrations and what he is most famous for his wood block prints or ukiyo-e as it was called in his time.
I think this man wanted to be so much more then a man, he wanted to be the best man knowing he had a long way to go to achieve that he was noted saying "From the age of six I had a mania for drawing the shapes of things. When I was fifty I had published a universe of designs. but all I have done before the age of seventy is not worth bothering with. At seventy five I'll have learned something of the pattern of nature, of animals, of plants, of trees, birds, fish and insects. When I am eighty you will see real progress. At ninety I shall have cut my way deeply into the mystery of life itself. At a hundred I shall be a marvellous artist. At a hundred and ten everything I create; a dot, a line, will jump to life as never before. To all of you who are going to live as long as I do, I promise to keep my word. I am writing this in my old age. I used to call myself Hokosai, but today I sign myself 'The Old Man Mad About Drawing." – Hokusai ( he lived in to his late 70’s and was noted saying , "If only Heaven will give me just another ten years... Just another five more years, then I could become a real painter." He died on April 18, 1849

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

F got FAIL!!!

this was my attempt at drawing a tazzy evil for a Kids map... ha ha ha ha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


found on
on the 1/8/2010 by Hayley B.